Aldrei fór ég suður
It’s a Easter weekend in 2014 and Mugison’s festival Aldrei fór ég suður in Ísafjörður turns 10.
To unite there with the rest of Hjaltalín, Guðmundur Óskar lent us his 4x4 Suzuki and Viktor and I did the most adventurous trip to the Westfjords. We were alone on a road that was closed behind us due to the weather conditions, had to shovel the car out of the snow with a bottle and what you would normally drive in about six hours turned into a eleven hour ride with the elements. But I enjoyed every minute of it.
During this weekend, the number of inhabitants in Ísafjörður in the West Fjords usually doubles. It is partly the time for the annual ski week, partly it is the place for Iceland's most local patriotic music festival Aldrei fór ég suður. Everyone participates on equal terms. The audience pays no entrance and the artists receive no compensation. In addition, no artists are allowed to do a sound check before the concert - and no one, known or unknown, is allowed to play for more than 20 minutes.
This year Helgi Björnsson, Retro Stefson, Sólstafir, Mammút, Snorri Helgason, Hjaltalín, Grísalappalísa, Dj Flugvél og geimskip and Young Karin made the trip and here is a little bit of this fun gathering.